Residential Landscaping: Should You Start Planning for Tree Removal?
Proper maintenance of trees is crucial for preserving their aesthetic appeal and health. However, these plants can still develop minor or urgent problems, even with excellent care practices. Therefore, it is essential to perform a periodic inspection of the trees in your residential landscape. A thorough assessment will reveal underlying issues which could be hazardous, necessitating tree felling. In simple terms, the information obtained will help you identify the extent of damage and make a decision on preservation or removal. Here are the common signs that indicate you should plan for tree removal.
Decayed Tree Trunk
The trees on your property can be extremely hazardous when they experience decay. In general, the presence of rot in some branches can be managed through extensive pruning. However, if the trunk has sustained damage, the entire plant will become unstable. When left in place, the tree could collapse after inclement weather. You should also note that decayed trees can form fertile breeding grounds for microorganisms. So, you should not leave the tree in place, even if it seems stable.
Heaving Earth
You should check your landscape for signs of heaving soil around the base of your trees. In general, the heaving of earth around large trees is an indication that the plant is not adequately anchored to the ground. For example, the root system could be damaged or weak and incapable of supporting the heavy weight of the tree. Sometimes, this problem can be resolved using cabling and bracing techniques. You should inquire about this solution from your arborist. If this choice is not viable, you might need to have the tree removed.
Poor Tree Positioning
You might need to consider removal if your tree is growing in an unfavourable spot on your property. In simple terms, if big trees grow in the wrong place, they will eventually become a liability. For example, a plant which is close to the power lines will require frequent pruning to prevent contact. If the branches grow longer than usual, you might have to deal outages. Also, if trees are close to sewer lines or the foundation, you should start thinking about felling. Otherwise, the roots might penetrate these structures, causing structural damage.
Finally, if you have noticed that the branches of your trees are dangling, broken or diseased, contact a tree service company for inspection. These symptoms could be indicators of underlying, widespread problems. The immediate resolution of the damage will minimise future dangers from falling limbs.